Friar Gate Derby

When Supplying electric gates from Derby directly to the end user we sometimes don’t always get to see where they end up, as the gates are ordered over the phone then delivered straight to site.

Our customer in Derby visited the Mitech Joinery factory in Denby, Ripley to see the quality of what we did and to make first enquiry regarding the supplying of some hardwood gates to their Derby Property.

They informed me it was for the rear entrance to an old school house that they had bought to improve and renovate.

We worked together to compile the right design and requirements for the Oak posts and the panelled gates. The final Finnish was to be in a matt black as this was the colour of the original school gates.

On the day I made the delivery I was pleasantly surprised when I arrived at a building that seemed very familiar. It was a beautiful four story 8000 squ ft Grade two Georgian ex Private school.

It was the very school both my Mother and Aunty had spent 6 years of their education back in 1951. I realised it wasn’t every day that I got to supply the gates for such a beautiful building steeped in so much history,

of which some of it was connected to my own family. The gates were to replace an old set at the rear of the property. Our customer was going to alter the wall to get a little bit more width to the entrance.

It was at the rear of the property, children used to run round in summer time with their Straw Boater Hats on. Children had drawn or carved their names into some of the existing woodwork over the 80 years it was a school.

Its times like this that you get that added enjoyment out of supplying and manufacturing Hardwood Gates.


Derby High School 4 Derby High School 3 Derby High All Girls School 1


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